PGPX: BMCR (Building and Managing Corporate Reputation)
Instructor: Prof. Asha Kaul
- To understand how corporate communication programs and strategies are designed
- To use corporate communication as a tool for positioning the company as a global company
- To help recognize dynamics of media relationships
The course will be built on case based and project based learning, besides interactive lectures and group discussions. The emphasis will be on learning through application of concepts through projects.
Title: Effective Communication Strategies: Men and Women @ Work
Duration: 4.5 days (Monday - Friday), last week of April
Coordinator: Asha Kaul
Increasing number of women in all sectors has added a new dimension to existing communication patterns. The major challenge before us is to comprehend the strategic intent of organizations in focusing on existing and changing mixed gender communication patterns and look for appropriate responses. Some of the questions which require deliberation are: Is there any difference in the communication patterns between men and women in organizations or is it a myth that should be dispelled? How can the differences, if any, be resolved? What is required and what will lead to a better workplace culture? The workshop is an avenue for participants to get together and explore the mindset of one another, identify, and fortify communicative behaviours that support a productive work environment.