Prof. Vishal Gupta

Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad

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Google Scholar CitationsResearchGate Profile 

For a full list, please see my website: https://sites.google.com/view/vishalg/research

Featured Peer-reviewed Publications:
  1. Gupta, V., Mittal, S., Ilavarasan, P. V., & Budhwar, P. (2024). Pay-for-performance, procedural justice, OCB and job performance: A sequential mediation model. Personnel Review, 53(1), 136-154.
  2. Gopakumar, K. V. & Gupta, V. (2023). Combining profit and purpose: Paradoxical leadership skills and social–business tensions during the formation and sustenance of a social enterprise. Nonprofit Management & Leadership. Doi: https://doi.org/10.1002/nml.21580 
  3. Singhal, S. & Gupta, V. (2022). Religiosity and homophobia: Examining the impact of perceived importance of childbearing, hostile sexism and gender. Sexuality Research and Social Policy, 19, 1636-1649.
  4. Mittal, S., Gupta, V. & Mottiani, M. (2022). Examining the linkages between brand love, affective commitment, PWOM and turnover intentions: A social identity theory perspective. IIMB Management Review, 34(1), 7-17.  
  5. Bhayana, C., Gupta, V., & Sharda, K. (2021). Exploring dynamics within multigenerational teams with millennials: A research frameworkBusiness Perspectives and Research, 9(2), 252-268.
  6. Chattopadhyay, P, George, E., Li, J. & Gupta, V. (2020). Geographical dissimilarity and team member influence: Do emotions experienced in the initial team meeting matter? Academy of Management Journal, 63(6), 1807-1839.
  7. Gupta, V. (2020). Relationships between leadership, motivation, and employee-level innovation: Evidence from India. Personnel Review, 49(7), 1363-1379. 
  8. Pandey, A., Gupta, V., & Gupta, R. (2019). Spirituality and Innovative Behaviour in Teams: Examining the Mediating Role of Team Learning. IIMB Management Review, 31(2), 116-126.
  9. Li, J., Li, A., Chattopadhyay, P., George, E., & Gupta, V. (2018). Team emotion diversity and performance: The moderating role of social class homogeneityGroup Dynamics: Theory, Research and Practice, 22(2), 76-92.
  10. Agarwal, UA, & Gupta, V. (2018). Relationships between Job Characteristics, Work Engagement, Conscientiousness and Managers' Turnover Intentions: A Moderated-Mediation AnalysisPersonnel Review, 47(2), 353-377.
  11. Gupta, V., Chopra, S., & Kakani, R. K. (2018). Leadership Competencies for Effective Public Administration: A Study of Indian Administrative Service OfficersJournal of Asian Public Policy, 11(1), 98-120.
  12. Khatri, N., Gupta, V., & Varma, A. (2017). The relationship between HR capabilities and quality of patient care: The mediating role of proactive work behaviorsHuman Resource Management. , 56(4), 673-691.
  13. Gupta, V., Singh, S. & Bhattacharya, A. (2017). Relationships between Leadership, Work Engagement and Employee Innovative Performance: Empirical Evidence from the Indian R&D ContextInternational Journal of Innovation Management, 21(7), 1-30.  
  14. Khatri, N., & Gupta, V. (2016). Effective implementation of health information technologies in US hospitalsHealth Care Management Review, 41(1), 11-21. 
  15. Gupta, V., Agarwal, U., & Khatri, N. (2016). The relationships between perceived organizational support, affective commitment, psychological contract breach, organizational citizenship behavior, and work engagementJournal of Advanced Nursing, 72(11), 2806-2817.
  16. Gupta, V., & Singh, S. (2015).  Leadership and Creative Performance Behaviors in R&D Laboratories: Examining the Role of Justice Perceptions. Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies, 22(1), 21-36. 
  17. Gupta, V., & Singh, S. (2014). Psychological Capital as a Mediator of the Relationship between Leadership and Creative Performance Behaviors: Empirical Evidence from the Indian R&D SectorThe International Journal of Human Resource Management25(10), 1373-1394.
  18. Gupta, V., Singh, S., & Khatri, N. (2013). Creativity in Research and Development Laboratories: A New Scale for Leader BehaviorsIIMB Management Review, 25(2), 83-90.
  19. Gupta, V. & Singh, S. (2013). How Leaders Impact Employee Creativity: A Study of Indian R&D Laboratories. Management Research Review, 36(1), 66-88.
  20. Gupta, V. & Singh, S. (2013). An Empirical Study of the Dimensionality of Organizational Justice and its Relationship with Organizational Citizenship Behavior in the Indian ContextThe International Journal of Human Resource Management, 24(6), 1277-1299.
  21. Gupta, V. & Kumar, S. (2013). Impact of Performance Appraisal Justice on Employee Engagement: A Study of Indian ProfessionalsEmployee Relations: The International Journal, 35(1), 61-78.

  22. Other Peer-reviewed Publications:
  23. Gupta, V., Makhecha, U. P., & Shaik, F. H. (2021). Era of Disrupution: Opportunities and Challenges for Businesses in IndiaBusiness Perspectives and Research, 9(2), 192-194. 
  24. Wei, L-Q, Lehmberg, D., Gupta, V., Young, M. N., Southam, C., & Liang, J. (2020). From the new editorial team: Publishing quality teaching case. Asian Case Research Journal, 24(1), 1-9. 
  25. Mittal, S., Gupta, V., Motiani, M. (2018). Qasab: Kutch Craftswomen's Producer Co. Ltd. Asian Case Research Journal, 22(2), 255-277.
  26. Parida, B. & Gupta, V.  (2017). Effects of Non-conformity on Perceived Status and Competence: Examining the Moderating Role of Physical AttractivenessPsychological Studies, 62(3), 305-313. 
  27. Desai, N., & Gupta, V. (2016). Selective perceptions and group brainstorming: An investigation of auditors' fraud risk assessmentInternational Journal of Behavioral Accounting and Finance, 6(1),1-25. 
  28. Mittal, S., Gupta, V., & Motiani, M. (2016). HRD climate impacts customer satisfaction: Empirical study of Indian private banksIndian Journal of Industrial Relations, 51(3), 447-459. 
  29. Mittal, S., Gupta, V., & Motiani, M. (2016). Relation between human resource development climate and organizational commitment: Empirical study in Indian Banking SectorInternational Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management, 12(2), 204-223. 
  30. Gupta, V. (2014). HRM Practices and Employee Creativity: Conceptualizing the Mediating and Moderating Role of Psychological CapitalIndian Journal of Industrial Relations, 49(4), 649-662.
  31. Gupta, V. & Singh, S. (2013). Developing a Scale for Measuring Ability-Based Emotional Intelligence in Indian contextThe International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management, 6(3), 273-299.
  32. Gupta, V. & Singh, S. (2012). Empirical Evaluation of Dimensionality of Organizational Citizenship Behavior for Indian Business Context. Psychological Studies, 57(4), 392-403.
  33. Gupta, V., Singh, S., Kumar, S., & Bhattacharya, A. (2012).  Development of a Causal Framework Linking Leadership to Employee Creativity: A Study of Indian R&D Laboratories The Indian Journal of Industrial Relations, 48(1), 120-136.
Practitioner Journals:
  1. Gupta, V. & Dev, V. When is pay-for-performance (PFP) effective? Examining the linkages between PFP characteristics, autonomous motivation, organizational citizenship behavior, well-being and performance. WorldatWork Journal (forthcoming).
  2. Gupta, V. (2018). When are rewards bad for innovation? Leaders as catalysts for positive linkages between work motivation and innovationWorldatWork Journal, Fourth Quarter, 21-33.
  3. Gupta, V. (2015). Why do you need me? Leadership and its linkages to innovation in Indian organizations. NHRD JournalOctober, 48-59. 
Special Issue:
  1. Business Perspectives and Research Special Issue on the Sixth Indian Academy of Management (INDAM) conference. 
  2. Vikalpa special issue on Fourth Pan-IIM World Management conference. 
Book Chapters:
  1. Gupta, V. & Gopalan, N. (2021). L-E-A-P: A new model of organisational culture for knowledge-based organisations. In Lepley, M. T. (Ed.) Human Centered Management: Principles and Practices. Routledge.  
  2. Gupta, V., Bhattacharya, S. & Gopalan, N. (2021). Emotions, emotional intelligence and conflict management: A conceptual framework. In Lepley, M. T. (Ed.) Human Centered Management: Principles and Practices. Routledge.
  3. Syal, A. & Gupta, V. (2021). Leveraging social media to enable leadership during crises: Linking TREAT leader behaviours and BOAT leader attributes. In A. Akande, B. Adetoun, & M. Adewuyi (Eds.), The Global Nature of Organizational Science Phenomena. Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishers.
  4. Singh, S. & Gupta, V. (2019). Organizational Performance Research in India: A Review and Future Research Agenda. In Misra, G. (Ed.) The Sixth Indian Council for Social Science Research (ICSSR) Survey of Psychology in India (pp. 1-93), Oxford University Press: New Delhi.
  5. Gupta D., & Gupta V. (2018) Effective Policing in a VUCA Environment: Lessons from a Dark Network. In: Dhir S., Sushil (eds) Flexible Strategies in VUCA Markets (pp. 89-111). Flexible Systems Management. Springer, Singapore. DOI: 10.1007/978-981-10-8926-8_7
Conference Proceedings:
  1. Gupta, D. & Gupta, V. (2017). Why are Dark Networks Resilient and What can the Security Forces Learn from them? A Study fo Strategies, Military Tactics and Organizational Structure of CPI (Maoists)Proceedings of the International Conference on 'Strategies in Volatile and Uncertain Environment for Emerging Markets (pp. 411-417). New Delhi: IIT Delhi. (ISBN: 978-93-83893-05-8)
  2. Gupta, V., Singh, S. & Bhattacharya, A. (2014). Inspiring creativity in Indian R&D organizations: Examining the role of leadership, justice perceptions, motivation and psychological capital. In Banerjee, A. (Ed.) Emerging Issues in Management: Proceedings of Pan-IIM World Management Conference (pp. 45-53). New Delhi: Emerald.
  3. Gupta, V. & Singh, S. (2011). Development of a Causal Framework Linking Leadership to Employee Creativity. Proceedings of the 2011 Meeting of the Southern Management Association, Savannah, US, 13-18 [ISBN: 978-0-9836282-1-7].
  4. Gupta, V. & Singh, S. (2010). Developing a Set of High Performance HRM Practices and Exploring its Relationship with OCB and Organizational Justice. Proceedings of the 2010 Meeting of the Southern Management Association, Florida, US, 464-469 [ISBN: 978-0-9762920-6-7].

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