Karna, A., Mavrovitis, C., & Richter, A. (2022). Disentangling reciprocal relationships between R&D intensity, profitability and capital market performance: A panel VAR analysis. Long Range Planning, 55(5), 102247.
Research Handbook on Strategic Entrepreneurship (Edited volume) by Vishal K. Gupta, A. Banu Goktan, Galina V. Shirokova, and Amit Karna, Publication Date: 2022 ISBN: 978 1 78990 443 7 Extent: 288 pp
Karna, A., Mondal, S.S. and Pingali, V. (2022), "Policy uncertainty and behavior of foreign firms in emerging economies", Management Decision (forthcoming)
Banerjee, S., Karna, A., Sharma S. (2022), "Imprinting effects of exposure to the Indian independence movement on export intensity of firms", Journal of Business Research, Vol. 149, Oct 2022, pp. 548-557.
Lahiri, S., Karna, A., Kalubandi, S.C. and Edacherian, S., 2022. Performance implications of outsourcing: A meta-analysis. Journal of Business Research, 139: 1303-1316.
Purkayastha, A., Karna, A., Sharma, S. and Bhadra, D., 2021. Board’s human capital resource and internationalization of emerging market firms: Toward an integrated agency–resource dependence perspective. Journal of Business Research, 135: 391-407.
Purkayastha, A., Sharma, S. and Karna, A., 2020. Theoretical foundations of antecedents of internationalization and moderators in multinationality–performance relationship: What is missing?. Cross Cultural & Strategic Management, 27(2): 213-243
Pidun, U., Richter, A., Schommer, M. and Karna, A., 2018. A Playbook for Today's Diversified Companies. Here's How Strong Performers Are Defying Expectations about the Demise of Multi-Business Firms. MIT Sloan Management Review.
Schommer, M., Richter, A. and Karna, A., 2019. Does the diversification–firm performance relationship change over time? A meta‐analytical review. Journal of Management Studies, 56(1): 270-298.
Täube, F.A., Karna, A. and Sonderegger, P., 2018. Economic geography and emerging market clusters: A co-evolutionary study of local and non-local networks in Bangalore. International Business Review.
Karna, A., Richter, A., Riesenkampff, E. 2016. Revisiting the role of the environment in the capabilities–financial performance relationship: A meta‐analysis. Strategic Management Journal, 37: 1154–1173.
Landau, C., Karna, A., Richter, A., Uhlenbruck, K. 2016. Institutional leverage capability: creating and using institutional advantages for internationalization. Global Strategy Journal, 6(1), 50-68.
Landau, C., Karna, A., Sailer, M. 2016, Business model adaptation for emerging markets: a case study of a German automobile manufacturer in India. R&D Management, 46: 480–503.
Sharma, S., Dixit, M.R., Karna, A. 2016. Design leaps: Business model adaptation in emerging economies, Journal of Asia Business Studies, 10(2), 105-124.
Dixit, M.R., Sharma, S., Karna, A. “Strategic Breakthroughs as Flagpoles of Innovation”, in International Journal of Business Innovation and Research, forthcoming.
Dhandapani, K., Upadhyayula, R. S., Karna, A. 2015. Why do Firms Locate Across Multiple Clusters? Cluster Density, Capabilities and Ethnic Ties. Industry and Innovation, 22(4), 251-272.
Roy, K., & Karna, A. 2015. Doing social good on a sustainable basis: competitive advantage of social businesses. Management Decision, 53(6), 1355-1374.
Karna, A. Upadhyayula, R.S., Kumar, V. 2014. “Strategic Archetypes of Emerging Market Multinationals: Analysis of Outward FDI of Indian Firms”, in Orchestration of the Global Network Organization (Advances in International Management, Volume 27) (Pedersen, T., Venzin, M., Devinney, T.M. & Tihanyi L., eds), Vol 27, 325-347
Karna, A., Taeube, F.A., Sonderreger, P. 2013. “Evolution of Innovation Networks across Geographical and Organizational Boundaries: A study of R&D subsidiaries in the Bangalore IT cluster”, European Management Review, Vol. 10, No. 4, 211–226; doi: 10.1111/emre.12017
Karna, A., Upadhyayula, R.S., Karthik, D. 2013. “What drives Emerging Multinationals? Early stage internationalisation and Performance drivers of Indian IT firms”, Proceedings of The world conference on "Emerging Issues in Management"
Fraunhoffer, R., Karna, A., Taeube, F.A. 2012. “The Service Offshoring Code: Location efficiencies for German Firms”, in Pedersen, Bals & Jensen (Eds) The Offshoring Challenge: Strategic Design and Innovation for Tomorrow’s Organization
Dixit, M.R., Sharma, S., Karna, A. 2010. “New Environment Stimuli, Enterprise Challenges and Growth Leaps: Evidence from Multi-sector Case Studies”, International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing, Vol. 1, No. 3, 264-290
Taeube, F.A., Sonderreger, P., Karna, A. 2010. “Entrepreneurial Ventures and Knowledge Spillovers: Case of an Indian Software Cluster”, Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research: Vol. 30: No. 15, Article 19
Dixit, M.R., Karna, A., Sharma, S. 2009. “Entrepreneurial Growth Actions and Monetary Consequences in a Startup: Insights from a Low-cost Airline Venture in a Competitive Environment”, Venture Capital: An International Journal of Entrepreneurial Finance, Vol. 11, No. 4, 361-378
Dixit, M.R., Sharma, S., Karna, A. 2007. “Role of Breakthroughs in Learning and Capability Building: Evidences from Two High Technology Firms”, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Intellectual Capital, Knowledge Management and Organisational Learning at Cape Town, South Africa between October 15th and 16th, 2007
Karna, A., Singh R. and Verma S. 2009. “Knowledge Management for Effective Sales and Marketing Function” in Meir Russ (ed), Knowledge Management Strategies for Business Development, IGI Global.
Karna, A., Singh V. 2007. “The East India Company in Reverse - Indian MNCs on a Buying Spree” in T.P.Rajmanohar (ed), India Inc. Going Global: The M&A Way, ICFAI University Press.