Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad -Data Science for Business (MBA-PGPX) - 2018-To date -Service Management (MBA-PGP and MBA-PGPX) - 2016-To date -Decision Analysis (MBA-PGP) - 2015-2019 -Operations Management II (MBA-PGP) - 2017-To date -Non-linear Optimization (PhD) - 2017-To date -Mathematics - Preparatory Module (MBA-FABM) - 2015
Aalto University School of Business -Tools for Business Decisions 30C00400 (Masters/Bachelors Level) - Spring 2012, 2013, 2014 -Quantitative Business Analysis 30A00410 (Bachelors Level) - Fall 2011, 2012, 2013 -Optimization 30E00100 (PhD Level) - Fall 2013