Ankur Sinha, PhD

Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad

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Ankur Sinha

Professor, Operations and Decision Sciences
Chairperson, Post Graduate Programme (2-Year MBA)
Co-Chairperson, Brij Disa Centre for Data Science and AI
Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad

Ahmedabad India

Office Address
Forum Tower 504
IIMA New Campus, Vastrapur
Ahmedabad 380015 Gujarat

Phone (Office) +91 (0) 79 7152 4837
Phone (Residence) +91 (0) 79 7152 5522

Email: asinha@iima.ac.in

Educational Qualifications
My weblinks
My research interestes and teaching activities can be found below. Along with teaching and research, I actively engage in consulting and training private and government organizations. 

Research Interests

Recent Journal Publications
  1. P. Ramamoorthy, S. Jayaswal, A. Sinha, and N. Vidyarthi. An exact method for trilevel hub location problem with interdiction. European Journal of Operational Research, 2024 (In press).
  2. A. Sinha, T. Khandait, and R. Mohanty. A gradient-based bilevel optimization approach for tuning regularization hyperparameters. Optimization Letters, 18:1383-1404, 2024.
  3. S. Bhatt, A. Sinha, and S. Jayaswal. The capacitated r-hub interdiction problem with congestion: Models and solution approaches. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, Volume 185, 2024,
  4. V. Bansal, S. Jayaswal, and A. Sinha. Capacitated multiple allocation hub location problems under the risk of interdiction: model formulations and solution approaches. Annals of Operations Research, 332:213-251, 2024.
  5. N. Waychal, A. K. Laha, and A. Sinha. An adaptive multi-objective optimal forecast combination and itsapplication for predicting intermittent demand. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 1-13, 2023.
  6. A. Sinha, A. Das, G. Anand, and S. Jayaswal. A general purpose exact solution method for mixed integer concave minimization problems. European Journal of Operational Research, 309 (3):977-992, 2023.
  7. A. Sinha, S. Kedas, R. Kumar, and P. Malo. Sentfin 1.0: Entity-aware sentiment analysis for financial news. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 73(9):1314-1335, 2022.
  8. A. Sinha and J. Wallenius. MCDM, EMO and hybrid approaches: Tutorial and review. Mathematical and Computational Applications, 27(6):112, 2022.
  9. A. Sinha and V. Shaikh. Solving bilevel optimization problems using kriging approximations. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 52(10):10639–10654, 2021.
  10. R. Tiwari, S. Jayaswal, and A. Sinha. Competitive hub location problem: Model and solution approaches. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 146:237–261, 2021.
  11. S. Bhatt, S. Jayaswal, A. Sinha, N. Vidyarthi. Alternate Second Order Conic Program Reformulations for Hub Location under Stochastic Demand and Congestion, Annals of Operations Research, 304:481–527, 2021.
  12. R. Tiwari, S. Jayaswal, and A. Sinha. Alternate solution approaches for competitive hub-location problems, European Journal of Operational Research, 290(1):68-80, 2021.
  13. A. Sinha, P. Malo, K. Deb, and Z. Lu. Bilevel optimization based on iterative approximation of multiple mappings. Journal of Heuristics, 26:151-185, 2020.
  14. A. Sinha, T. Soun, and K. Deb. Using Karush-Kuhn-Tucker proximity measure for solving bilevel optimization problems. Swarm and evolutionary computation, 44:496–510, 2019.
  15. T. Pajala, P. Korhonen, P. Malo, A. Sinha, J. Wallenius and A. Dehnokhalaji. Accounting for political opinions, power, and influence: A Voting Advice Application. European Journal of Operational Research, 266(2): 702–715, 2018.
  16. A. Sinha, P. Malo and M. Kallio. Convex preference cone-based approach for many objective optimization problems, Computers and Operations Research, 95:1–11, 2018.
  17. P. Ramamoorthy, S. Jayaswal, A. Sinha, and N. Vidyarthi. Multiple Allocation Hub Interdiction and Protection Problems: Model Formulations and Solution Approaches. European Journal of Operational Research, 270(1):230–245, 2018.
  18. A. Sinha, P. Malo, and K. Deb. A review on bilevel optimization: From classical to evolutionary approaches and applications. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 22(2): 276–295, 2018.
  19. Z. Lu, K. Deb, and A. Sinha. Uncertainty handling in bilevel optimization for robust and reliable solutions. International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems, 26(Suppl. 2):1–24, 2018.
  20. A. Sinha, P. Malo, K. Deb. Evolutionary Algorithm for Bilevel Optimization using Approximations of the Lower Level Optimal Solution Mapping. European Journal of Operational Research, 257(2):395–411, 2017.
  21. A. Sinha, P. Malo, K. Deb. Approximated Set-valued Mapping Approach for Handling Multiobjective Bilevel Problems. Computers and Operations Research, 77:194–209, 2017.
  22. A. Sinha, J. Rämö, P. Malo, M. Kallio, and O. Tahvonen. Optimal Management of Naturally Regenerating Uneven-aged Forests. European Journal of Operational Research, 256(3):886–900, 2017.
  23. M. Islam, H. K. Singh, T. Ray and A. Sinha. A Memetic Algorithm for Single Objective Bilevel Optimization Problems. Evolutionary Computation Journal, 2016.
  24. A. Sinha, P. Malo, K. Deb, P. Korhonen, and J. Wallenius. Solving bilevel multi-criterion optimization problems with lower level decision uncertainty. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 20(2):199-217, 2016.
  25. A. Sinha, P. Korhonen, and J. Wallenius. Finding better alternatives than those considered in a multicriteria data sample. Journal of Business Economics (Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft), 86(1):35-54, 2016.
  26. A. Sinha, P. Malo, and T. Kuosmanen. A multi-objective exploratory procedure for regression model selection. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 24(1):154-182, 2015.
  27. A. Sinha, P. Malo, and K. Deb. Test problem construction for single-objective bilevel optimization. Evolutionary Computation Journal, 22(3):439-477, 2014.
  28. P. Malo, A. Sinha, P. Takala, P. Korhonen, and J. Wallenius. Good debt or bad debt: Detecting semantic orientations in economic texts. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 65(4):782-796, 2014.
  29. A. Sinha, D. K. Saxena, K. Deb, and A. Tiwari. Using objective reduction and interactive procedure to handle many-objective optimization problems. Applied Soft Computing, 13(1):415-427, 2013.
  30. A. Sinha, P. Malo, A. Frantsev, and K. Deb. Finding optimal strategies in a multi-period multi-leader-follower Stackelberg game using an evolutionary algorithm. Computers & Operations Research, 41:374-385, 2014.
  31. A. Sinha, K. Deb, P. Korhonen, and J. Wallenius. An interactive evolutionary multi-objective optimization algorithm with a limited number of decision maker calls. European Journal of Operational Research, 233(3):674-688, 2014.
  32. P. Malo, P. Siitari, and A. Sinha. Automated query learning with wikipedia and genetic programming. Artificial Intelligence, 194:86-110, 2013.
  33. P. Malo, A. Sinha, J. Wallenius, and P. Korhonen. Concept-based document classification using wikipedia and value function. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 62(12):2496-2511, 2011.
  34. K. Deb and A. Sinha. An efficient and accurate solution methodology for bilevel multi-objective programming problems using a hybrid evolutionary-local-search algorithm. Evolutionary Computation Journal, 18(3):403-449, 2010.
  35. K. Deb, A. Sinha, P. Korhonen, and J. Wallenius. An interactive evolutionary multi-objective optimization method based on progressively approximated value functions. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 14(5):723-739, 2010.

For complete publication record refer to: 
Google Scholar Profile

Ankur Sinha actively offers keynotes and research talks at national and international venues. He serves the research community by regularly offering tutorials and organizing special sessions at various conferences on his areas of expertise, such as, bilevel optimization, non-linear optimization, and optimization for machine learning.

He has provided consulting to goverment and private organizations in energy markets, broadcasting and advertising, heavy manufacturing, pharmaceuticals, technology services and startup incubation. He also actively engages in corporate training programmes on topics, such as, Artificial Intelligence for Business, Supply Chain Management and Analytics, Managing Firms in Service Sector, Business Intelligence and Optimization.

  • Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad
    -Data Science for Business (MBA-PGPX) - 2018-To date
    -Service Management (MBA-PGP and MBA-PGPX) - 2016-To date
    -Decision Analysis (MBA-PGP) - 2015-2019
    -Operations Management II (MBA-PGP) - 2017-To date
    -Non-linear Optimization (PhD) - 2017-To date
    -Mathematics - Preparatory Module (MBA-FABM) - 2015
  • Aalto University School of Business
    -Tools for Business Decisions 30C00400 (Masters/Bachelors Level) - Spring 2012, 2013, 2014
    -Quantitative Business Analysis 30A00410 (Bachelors Level) - Fall 2011, 2012, 2013
    -Optimization 30E00100 (PhD Level) - Fall 2013
Past Experience (At IIMA)

Chairperson, Placements (2021-2024): IIMA has a unique placement process involving students and an executive committee of faculty members that oversee the summer internship and final placement processes for all degree programmes at the institute.
Chairperson, IIMA Ventures (2018-2021): IIMA Ventures was earlier known as Centre for Innovation Incubation and Entrepreneurship (CIIE) and is one of the leading public incubators in the country.

Past Experience (Other)

  • 2018 (Apr) - 2018 (Jul) Aalto University School of Business, Visiting Faculty
  • 2016 (Apr) - 2016 (Oct) Michigan State University, Visiting Faculty
  • 2008-2015 Aalto University School of Business, Research Scholar (PhD and Postdoc)
  • 2013 (Jan) - 2013 (Aug) Michigan State University, Visiting Scholar (Postdoc)
  • 2007-2008 Idea Product Design, Design Engineer (Engineering Team)
  • 2006-2007 Tata Steel, Manager (Coal and Coke)
Honours and awards
  • Elected to the grade of IEEE, Senior Member in July 2020
  • Received the best paper award for my work on Bilevel Optimization at World Congress on Computational Intelligence at Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in 2018
  • Received the early career research award from Science and Engineering Research Board, Department of Science and Technology, India, in 2015
  • Received the best PhD thesis award at the Aalto University School of Business for the year 2011.
  • Recipient of a prestigious award from the Finland graduate school on Systems Analysis, Decision Making and Risk Management in 2009 that fully supported the PhD stipend at Aalto University School of Business.
  • Received the outstanding project award for Bachelor of Technology (BTech) project on Heatpipes at Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur (IIT Kanpur)

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